Round 1 Results from 2017 North Shore Photographic Challenge

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WPC members met at Yukon College on Sunday, January 22 to select the first round picks for the 2017 NSPC. Thirteen members submitted up to four images each, and those in attendance selected one from each member to advance. The following images will be submitted to CAPA judge Ann Alimi, who will choose the final six for judging in the North Shore Photographic Challenge.

2017 North Shore Photographic Challenge

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Our selection meeting for the 33rd Annual North Shore Photographic Challenge will occur on Sunday, January 22 from 2-5PM in room A2202 at Yukon College.

Each member is encouraged to submit up to four images for consideration. The members in attendance at this meeting will then select one image from each participating member; these will then be forwarded to Ann Alimi, who will choose the final six images to be submitted to the competition.

• There is no restriction on subject matter. However, an image submitted to a previous North Shore Photographic Challenge is not eligible.
• Digital image files from scanned slides, scanned colour negatives, scanned black and white negatives or directly from digital cameras will be accepted.

Additional details here:

Conditions of Entry 2017 (
Digital Specifications Guide 2017 (
Guidelines 2017 (


Celebration of Nature 2016 Selections!

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On Sunday, November 6 the Club met in order to select our submissions to the Celebration of Nature Photography 2016 competition. The quality of images brought to the meeting was very high, and led to some incredibly tough decisions.

Thanks to all who participated, and congratulations to those members who had their images selected.

Thoughts on Motion

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As photographers, we capture a slice of time with every shutter release. Usually this time slice is short, and the subject rendered perfectly frozen. But there is no rule saying that the time slice need be short; what happens when we lengthen it?

How is motion communicated in a photograph?

Freezing Action

A fast shutter speed can freeze the motion in our world. Typically this is combined with a wide-open aperture. What is fast?. Sports typically requires 1/1000 or faster; people walking in the park on a sunny day may only require 1/200. No tripods required for this technique.
