March 2020 Focus Stacking Assignment

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The 2019-2020 meeting season of the Whitehorse Photography Club ended prematurely in March with the COVID-19 lock down. Our last two meetings prior to that explored the topic of focus stacking, the technique of combining multiple exposures taken with different focus points into a single image with greater depth of sharp focus than could be achieved in a single exposure. An instructional meeting was followed by a practical hands-on session in which members photographed props for focus stacking. Their focus stacked images were to be shown at the following meeting. That was canceled, but a few of the participants submitted their images anyway. They are presented in this gallery.

North Shore Photographic Challenge 2019 Selections

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Our club’s North Shore Photographic Challenge entry is now in the hands of the hosting North Shore Photographic Society, awaiting judging at a live event in Vancouver on March 2nd. Results are promised by April 7th.

Our image selection process began with 14 members each submitting up to 4 images for consideration. A special meeting of the club was held on January 13th, where attending members chose one best image from each participant by majority vote. The participants then had an opportunity to make additional edits to their chosen photo, based on feedback generated at the meeting. Then those 14 images were forwarded to Ann Alimi, a CAPA certified judge in Ontario, who had the daunting task of choosing just 6 of the images for our club entry. She also provided a few editing suggestions to further improve some of those selections, and the photographers had a chance to apply those recommendations before our submission was finalized.

Thank you to all the members who participated, whether by submitting images or attending the selection meeting. And a special thank you to Ann Alimi, who again graciously provided the benefit of her expertise to make the final selections as well as give helpful comments and suggestions for many of the images.

Here are the 6 images that constitute our entry:

Next Meeting

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The next Scheduled meeting will be Wednesday, January 23, 2019, Rm A2202 Yukon College, 7:00PM. Our PRESENTER for this meeting will be KANINA HOLMES, Managing Editor at “North of Ordinary” magazine. Her journey has included time as an associate professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University and work with CBC North (radio and television) in Yukon. Holmes dreamed up Stories North as a way to get students out of a conventional classroom and to educate emerging journalists about Canada’s North, Indigenous history and culture. Stories North is a direct response to Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and its calls to action directed at transforming curricula at journalism schools.

(For future activities and schedule see ‘Upcoming Events’ calendar in sidebar —>).

All welcome, see you there!

Membership renewal/purchase can also be done at this time. Membership is $35 for the year payable by cash or cheque.

See you soon!

Membership Application: